
How do I claim food and lodging if I stay somewhere 5 days a week. Will this change my principal residence?

I have been working 80 miles away from my principal residence for 14 months now. My temporary relocation is in the same state. I pay rent over there and stay there 4 nights 5 days a week. How can i claim this food and lodging? How should I do so to not lose my first time home buyer tax credit?
What if I spend more time (physical hours) in my home than my job home?

Best answer:

Answer by the tax lady
None of this is deductible. Your tax home moved to the job location.

Answer by Judy
It's over a year, so it's not considered temporary any more, so you can't claim the expenses, and your first time homebuyer's credit is gone and will need to be repaid since it's no longer your principal residence.

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