
How to cut the hand rail to fit the porch post that is at an angle?

My husband has run into a snag while building the porch to our girls' playhouse. The porch posts that line each side of the stairs are turned to fit an angled porch roof. Therefore, the hand rail will not hit the porch post flush. Because the post is turned the rail meets the post at a corner. My husband can't figure out how to cut the hand rail to fit the post corner. He can't figure the angle of the cut or the v notch he must cut to meet it correctly. Any suggestions?
No he doesn't know that I wrote this. I don't think he would care considering he has little to no experience prior to building this playhouse in carpentry. It is amazing how well he has done and I'm very proud of him.

Best answer:

Answer by AJP always
He doesn't know you wrote this does he?

Answer by stevetower
You need a device called a sliding bevel and an miter saw. Hold the sliding bevel up to the post and the rail held at the proper angle and adjust the sliding bevel to that angle. Take the sliding bevel to the miter saw and set it so the blade parallels the sliding bevel. If you need a compound angle, Two different planes, then you need to do this twice once in each plane.

Answer by captnron1950
place the hand rail in line with the posts use a piece of 1 by 2 and scribe the notch measure from the inside of the V back to the other post to get the length

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Orignal From: How to cut the hand rail to fit the porch post that is at an angle?

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