I am planning to travel a thousand miles soon so that my mom can see her new grandson. Can you please give me some pieces of advice regarding travel for newborns. I am really clueless since it would be my first baby.
Best answer:
Answer by Femme Fatale
Hello sweetie :)
Congratulations on your new arrival :D
I have travel with my son when he was 40 days old. this was very stressfull for me! But i found this website which has help me a lot
It gives lots of tips :)
and seems is not as hard as you imagine
Answer by Nika
Immediately! Babies are free, you don't have to pay for their tickets, travel as much as possible until he gets to age 3, when you have to start paying for his seat! Sometimes they cry, but he will be O-K.
Answer by Shellie
I took my daughter on a plane at 5 months old.
1 - take the car seat! At the counter you can ask the clerk if the seat next to you is empty to place the seat it or try to see if they will work with you to get it that way. I never paid for a ticket with her and always used the car seat next to me
2 - bring a pacifier! infants don't know how to deal with the clogging in their ears - this is why children cry on planes, its painful
3 - try to get a flight time that goes around a time he would be sleeping
4 - bring something that will distract him. my daughter had these things that hung off her car seat. bright colors is what infants prefer
Take care of yourself as well so you aren't ragged and agitated. Don't let other passengers get to you. Some will rolls their eyes as soon as they see a baby. You cant control how he will feel on the flight. Nor can you control their feelings. Don't let it get to you. I considered myself extremely lucky, my daughter is an amazing flyer. I had people tell me later they didn't even know there was an infant on board because she was just so content. This is the exception - count your blessings should you be so lucky.
Answer by Kayleigh's had her baby!
most airlines have restrictions on flying with a new born, and want them to be around 2 weeks old (but check with your airline). It is safe to fly with a new born, but don't forget that they will experience the same as you with things such as air pressure changes. So I imagine it will be stressful!
Answer by armywife1218
We flew from Germany to the States to visit our families when our daughter was 2 months old. She was fantastic on the way there. We requested tickets in the back, and they placed us right by the bulkhead so we could take advantage of the bassinet provided by the airline. It snaps onto the wall in front of you and will give you a break from holding baby for awhile. Our daughter slept in it pretty much the whole way there, coming back we had a lot of turbulence so she didn't get to use it as often. Check with your pediatrician about flying...it all depends on your baby and if he is ready/healthy enough. Safe travels!
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