
What is the best month to Travel to Bahamas and Orlando?

Hi, I am planning to travel to Bahamas Cruise for a week this year. What are the best timings to travel to Bahamas and Orlando Area in Florida?

Best answer:

Answer by lovey_this
The best time to go is during the winter months. It is much cheaper for you and who ever else is going.

Answer by tech_fanatic
It kind of depends on what you are looking for. I assume you are traveling from Port Canaveral for the cruise. Rates will be lower during value season, which is during hurricane season. I've never had a problem during hurricane season, so it is not something you absolutely have to avoid.

If you are planning to go to some theme parks while in Orlando, than you will want to go when school is in session. The crowds will be lowest. So the best time is in Fall, Winter or Spring. The weather is also nicer during this time, these are the most enjoyable times to go.

Hope this helps!

Answer by nurserachet_0000
Anytime but hurricane season which starts in July and goes thru to December. It rains all the time.

Answer by charlie_mon
As a general rule I like to go the last week of April through the middle of May for several reasons. It's not Hurricane Season. It isn't too hot but still warm enough for everthing in the water. Spring break is over for everyone and Summer vacation hasn't started yet, so you aren't going to deal with either of those crowds. Fishing is good that time of year, my personal favorite hobby. That's my opinion (leaving on cruise in 36 days).

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